Jan 26, 2025 - Sunday Liturgy // Writer: Halli Melton
Scripture Reading: Genesis 12-15
Call to Worship:
The Lord is strong and he alone can save!
He is our deliverance and a mighty fortress.
We praise you, Lord, for you are worthy of all our praise!
Lord, there is no one mightier than you.
Our hearts can trust in you and rejoice.
We worship you because you are our rock!
Confession and Lament:
Lord, we struggle to trust in your care for us.
We fear that what we lack is greater
Than what you can provide.
Help us to believe that You are more than enough.
Forgive us of the ways we have tried to manipulate
Circumstances to fit our desires.
And when we fail to see the error in our ways,
Help us to surrender our plans to your loving care.
Assurance of Gospel Peace:
Though we are strangers and exiles on this earth,
Our God is preparing an eternal home for us.
True to His promises and faithful to the end,
Our God has made a way for us to be at home with him
Even as we wait for His return.
Jesus, thank you that we are citizens of heaven!