11.17.2024- Sunday Liturgy
Scripture Reading: 1 Cor. 13
Call to Worship:
We are gathered here today to worship the Lord.
He is full of power and wondrous love!
We praise You, God Almighty!
We come to You with humble hearts.
Lord, search us and know us.
There is nothing that is hidden from You!
You have called a people to yourself.
You are drawing us closer and closer to You.
You are with us all of our days!
Confession and Lament
Lord God, we recognize that You have blessed us in many ways.
Sometimes, we hoard blessings instead of using them for others.
Convict us when we trade genuine love for selfishness.
Lord God, You are our protector and defender.
Sometimes, we are fearful instead of trusting that You are with us.
Convict us when we trade genuine love for our own security.
We often make idols and bow to them.
We confuse what is eternal with things that aren’t.
Convict us when we trade genuine love for things that will fade.
Assurance of Gospel Peace:
The cross of Jesus ended in victory over death.
Hallelujah! God never fails!
We wait expectantly for the return of our Savior,
Remembering that He is with us always.
We will walk in the light as He is in the light.
And one day soon, we will see him face to face.
Come, Lord Jesus