Call to Worship:
Lord, You are perfect and good.
We love to sing of Your goodness and glory!
Lord, You are powerful and holy.
We love to shout Your praises together!
Lord, You are our faithful Father.
Let us feel Your presence with us today!
Confession and Lament
We can betray ourselves and others
When we lack humility and self-awareness.
Lord, give us new eyes to see
And new ears to hear Your voice over our own.
We can ignore Your voice and guidance
When we are impatient and discontent.
Lord, replace this with the patience and peace
Only You can provide.
Assurance of Gospel Peace:
We have found favor with God,
Only because of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.
He made the impossible possible by reuniting us with God.
Jesus is the Great Redeemer, Savior, and King!
He promised that we will join Him in eternity,
Where everything is perfect and beautiful.
We have everlasting peace, freedom in life, and hope after death.
Jesus is our faithful Friend and we can trust Him!