Call to Worship:
Come, sing to the Lord, people of God!
Come into His presence with thanksgiving.
Lord, we are here for You!
The Lord is a great god.
He holds the whole world in His hands.
We bow before the King of all things!
Confession and Lament
Lord, we lament the devastating losses of the past weeks.
We believe that You are a good god.
We believe that You are near to the brokenhearted.
Lord, lead us to look outside ourselves and pray.
Lead us to pray for the things that break Your heart.
We know that You are working and moving.
Lord, give us hearts that are eager to join in Your work.
Assurance of Gospel Peace:
May we never fail to wonder at the cross:
A place where sinners were extended mercy.
Christ took what we deserved and gave us His righteousness.
Praise the Lord! We have an everlasting hope!
Now, He intercedes for us before the Father.
He is with us wherever we go.
Praise the Lord! We will never be alone!