Call to Worship:
Raise your hearts!
Lift your heads!
God is among us!
**Amen! He is here!**
God loves His people!
He set us free!
He sustains us!
**Thank you, Lord!**
Confession and Lament
Instead of dealing with the hurt in our own hearts,
We blame, control, and hurt the people around us.
We make room for sin to grow and multiply.
**Forgive us, Lord, and help us.**
We mourn for what is broken,
We ask for help to make things new.
Assurance of Gospel Peace:
Our God is a god of justice for victims–
Those who are suppressed, belittled,
Wounded, disadvantaged, and shamed.
But our God is also a god of mercy for wrongdoers–
Those who take out their hurt and selfishness on people
And who wound, shame, and at times destroy.
**Jesus dealt with it all on the cross.**
**And Lord, You will make it all right when You return.**