
Call to Worship

Lord, You are the greatest among all kings!

We praise You, High Exalted One!

We come here to worship You and enjoy You.

Hear us as we lift our hearts to You today!


The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but You Lord preserve our lives.

We sometimes forget that You are on our side.

Help us remember You. Help us realize our deep need for You.

The enemy lies to us and tricks us into elevating ourselves, but You are the only one worthy of praise!

Forgive us for our shortcomings and repair what we have broken in sin.

Refresh our souls and reawaken our desire for You!!


Lord, You never leave us. There is nowhere we can hide from Your presence.

Thank you for Your steadfast love and faithfulness.**

You sent Jesus to save us from sin and death, knowing we would still fall short and need Your forgiveness.

Thank you for Your compassion and goodness. You truly love us.

In Jesus, death has been defeated and we can enjoy You forever in eternity.

Thank you for rescuing us out of the darkness and bringing us into Your glorious light!

Justin Karl