
Call to Worship

Lift up a shout of praise!

God is among His people.

Lift up a shout of praise!

He is moving and working.

God we are listening!

Clap your hands and dance with joy.

Sing with a heart full of gratitude.

God we respond to Your power and provision!


God, we have called what is evil ‘good’.

We have chosen our own pride over loving others.

Give us eyes to see where we need to grow.

At other times, we have burdened ourselves with lies.

We have made decisions that weren’t based in Your truth.

Help us to hide Your word in our hearts.


Those who hunger for righteousness will be filled.

Those who thirst for Living Water will be satisfied.

Jesus invites us to live a full life with Him.

The fullness of life we have now won’t compare to the fullness to come!

Death and loss won’t have the final say.

Every broken thing will be restored.

Every hurt will be healed.

Every wrong will be righted.

We will have a peace that lasts, a hope that will never fade!

Justin Karl