Call to Worship
Lord, you have given us all we have.
You are a generous God!
You came to us when we were weak,
When we were not lovely,
Even when we were not waiting for you.
You have given us yourself!
You invite us to respond in faith and worship;
We will give our hearts to you!
Lord, though you have been generous,
We have kept for ourselves what was meant for others.
Lord, though you have been loud in your love,
We have been silent in our praise.
Lord, you are present to us,
Inviting us to respond with whole hearts—
Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that are awake to your presence.
You came to a world who did not recognize you;
To people who didn’t believe who you were.
But to those who believed you, and received you,
you gave the right to be called children of God!
From the fullness of his spirit, we receive grace upon grace.
Life with God, forever!
His presence with us, always!