
Call to Worship

Shout to Lord! Hallelujah!

He is our King and we are His people!

Lord, You see us!

God, we are here to worship You!

We feel Your presence!

Lord, You are with us!

We praise You for Your faithfulness!

You never leave us!

Lord, You love us!


Our world is sometimes dark and often filled with grief.

Lord, You see us.

There are times we feel alone, and we forget Your steady hand is holding us.

Lord, You are with us.

Forgive our unbelief and increase our faith in You, God.

Lord, You love us.


Before the formation of the world, God knew He would create us. How beautiful is that kind of love?

The Lord sees us!

When we sinned and were separated from Him, He sent Jesus to bring us back to Him. How gracious is that kind of love?

The Lord is with us!

Now we will be with Him again in glory forever! How incredible is that kind of love?

The Lord loves us!

Justin Karl