Call to Worship
All that is in heaven and Earth is the Lord’s.
God does not shrink back at the world’s impossibilities.
He is the all-around, all-knowing, all-powerful One!
He made all the earth and every good thing in it!
So we sing to the God who was and is and is to come.
God, come have your way among us today!
This life is like a fog that soon evaporates.
It cannot withstand the test of time.
How many times will we turn to things that pass away?
How many times have we distracted ourselves instead of crying out to You?
Instead, we grasp in blind desperation when we should cling to You.
Lord, remind us where our hope is and call us to repentance.
Blessed is the one who calls God Father!
We are the children of God!**
Blessed is the one whose trust is in Jesus!
His kingdom cannot be shaken!
Blessed is the one who is led by the Spirit!
For the treasures of heaven will be ours in Christ!