Call to Worship
Praise the Lord who loves his creation!
He is the Lord of life and love.
We sing to our great God!
Praise the God of kindness and mercy!
He turns strangers into loved ones!
We sing to Christ who gave us himself!
Move and worship in heart and body
As the Spirit moves amongst God’s people!
And so we sing to the Lord with hope!
O mighty God, injustice and division seems to reign.
The kingdoms of this world stir fear and hatred.
Give us courage and hope in you, Lord!
You have said that when the earth quakes
and its people live in turmoil, you are the one
who keeps its foundations firm.
Give us courage and hope in you, Lord!
People will not trample over each other forever.
Defiance and arrogance will be silenced.
God, almighty and merciful, will deliver His people.
He rescues from the power of dominance over others
and from the grip and lure of sin.
God hears and responds to his people.
Bitterness, trauma, and revenge will drain away.
He will make all things right in the days to come.
God will make all things truly new!