
Call to Worship

Sing to the God of promise

Who creates and renews life!

With God nothing is impossible!

For all the earth is the Lord’s

and he has set it in order.

We trust your word and rejoice!

Confession and Lament

Sometimes we hear the whispers of the enemy

louder than the promises of the Lord.

It can be hard to feel victory in the waiting.

Help us hear and believe!

While we wait for big changes and breakthroughs,

we miss the small moments of delight

and celebrations that testify to your faithful presence.

You give us joy that no one can take away!

Assurance of Gospel Peace

The Lord promises to give us joy despite our sorrow,

and confidence despite confusion.

The Father delights in his people!

He spreads out a meal and invites us to enjoy it

with laughter and zest.

Jesus delights to share his table!

Rejoicing more is part of the growth we have

as we walk in the way of the Lord.

The Spirit delights to grow joy in us!

Justin Karl