Call to Worship
Lord, You are God.
You have made us, and we are Your people!
We give thanks for You! We bless Your name!
We worship You because You are good.
Your steadfast love endures forever,
and You are faithful to all generations!
Confession and Lament
Your steadfast loves is abundant and full,
But we have treasured other things.
We have desired what we should not want;
We have wanted good things for bad reasons.
Help us put off the old self and its ways;
Help us live in the presence of your holiness!
Assurance of Gospel Peace
Because the Lord is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
My heart is glad and my tongue rejoices!
He has not abandoned us to the realm of the dead.
He has made known to us the paths of life;
And he has filled us with joy in his presence!