
Call to Worship

Our God is ever faithful, an ever present help.
Let us come and worship the Lord!
His presence is sweet; his love enduring!
Let us come and worship the Lord!
His love is deep; his glory, unending!
Come and praise his name!

Confession & Lament

Lord, we believe ―
We believe you are good, and that you love us.
We believe you are an ever present help;
And yet we often rely only on our own resources
When we should be crying out to you.
Lord, we believe; help our unbelief!
We believe you are holy;
That your ways are good and perfect,
That to follow them will give us life and peace.
And yet we often struggle to say no to sin,
To choose your ways even when they are hard,
Or do not come easily to us.
Lord, we believe; help our unbelief!

Assurance of Gospel Peace

In Christ, we have no more fear ―
For he has resolved our guilt; he has made a way for us.
He has stared down our shame; he has removed our disgrace!
He has covered us with grace, and given us new life.
He has forgiven our sins, and given us new hearts.
We approach him with confidence, for he has made us alive with him!

Justin Karl