Call to Worship
Come, draw near to the Lord.
Worship his Holy Name!
He is good and does good to all He has made.
This causes us to sing!
He and His Kingdom will reign forever.
Shout praises of joy to the King!
Confession & Lament
Father, we confess that we oftentimes do not come to you recognizing your presence.
Our prayerlessness leads to temptations of pride and selfishness.
We hold onto others' wrongs against us but wish they were quicker to forgive us for our own.
Forgive us of our sins and teach us to forgive others.
Assurance of Gospel Peace
God has given us everything we need in Jesus.
We have a beautiful inheritance!
He has made a way for us to draw near to God in every moment.
God is near to us!
When we pray, He hears us and gives us what we need.
God is good to us!