
Call to Worship

The Lord is a great light to His people! He destroys the darkness and illuminates the truth!
Praise Jehovah Ori! The Lord is my LIGHT and salvation!
Lift your voice and sing to the one who shines brightly in our hearts!
He is worthy of our praise! His light shines, and darkness cannot overcome it!

Confession & Lament

We are unclean and filled with darkness when we are apart from you, Lord.
Create in us a clean heart and wash away the sin we hide in the dark.
We confess we are not always transparent in the reality of our hearts.
We can be wicked and greedy, unjust and removed. Forgive us, Lord.
Give us Your heart, Jesus: the boundless love for God and your people.
Remove our selfishness and replace it with Your selflessness.

Assurance of Gospel Peace

The Lord is our light and salvation. We have nothing to fear and nothing to hide.
He is with us always! He is our great Comforter!
God sent Jesus to pay the price for our lives, and He rescued us from certain death and darkness.
We can rest in His finished work.
We no longer need to fear, for we now have everlasting peace and joy in our Savior.

Justin Karl