Call to Worship
Give the Lord praise with your heart!
He gives good gifts to the whole earth!
Give the Lord praise with your mouth!
He gives himself to be with us!
Give the Lord praise with your body!
He gives his love to us to share!
Confession and Lament
We confess that we have treated others with injustice
In an effort to preserve status or avoid confrontation.
Father, you sit above those whose favor we fear to lose.
We have been wounded by those who prioritized
Their power and status over our well-being.
Hear us, Lord, and bring change around us and in us.
Assurance of Gospel Peace
God knows the workings of the world intimately,
Yet he knows and cares for you even more!
We can trust him when we are faced with fear!
He reminds us of his unfailing love,
And he teaches us how to rely on his faithfulness.
Our feet stand on solid ground in Jesus!