Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:4-17
Call to Worship: ref Psalm 90:17
God of all creation, we bless Your name.
You alone sustain our lives.
**You alone know the number of our days.**
You are our Help in times of need.
We rejoice because of Your longlasting love.
We praise You for what You have done.
**And we praise You for what You are going to do!**
You are the Author and Finisher of our faith.
**Lord, establish the work of our hands!**
Confession and Lament:
How fleeting life is.
Yet, how quickly we take for granted the breath You have given us.
**Lord, make us aware of the gift of life and to praise You for it.**
At times, we use the life You’ve given us to feed our own pride,
And to make our name great in the world.
**Lord, help us to submit our hearts and desires to You.**
Assurance of Gospel Peace:
Blessed are those who put their hope in Christ,
For theirs is eternal life!
We have fellowship with the Father through Jesus.
He has made us one with God forever.
**And since we are one with God,
We can be made one with each other.**
We are sealed by the Holy Spirit for the day of redemption.
**We will hold on to hope, Lord,
Knowing You will bring us safely home!**