12.15.2024- Sunday Liturgy - Third Week of Advent // Writer: Meg Williams
Scripture Reading: Hope - Philippians 3
Call to Worship:
Joy to the world, the Lord has come!
Let us receive our king with gladness!
We make room in our hearts for his presence,
And join all of creation in praise!
Come, sing together with expectation!
We await his true and gracious reign,
The glories of his righteousness,
His goodness revealed in Christ!
Come, sing together with expectation!
Confession and Lament:
We place our hope in certain earthly outcomes,
and we find security in the sides we take
or the groups of people who approve of us.
Forgive us, Lord!
You are our true hope.
You don’t ask us to make the world change-
you ask us to trust you to move
as we walk in your ways in faith.
Give us courage, Lord!
You are our true hope.
Assurance of Gospel Peace:
Greed, dominance, and conceit have no place in his kingdom.
It feels like these have control of the world.
But Jesus came to break the power of sin!
He is transforming us, so sin does not rule us.
We look for the day he makes everything right.
The trials now do not have eternal weight,
and one day these will be nothing in comparison.
The hope of joy for the future is certain in Christ!