Call to Worship
He is risen!!
He is risen indeed!
Raise your head with hope,
and your heart with praise!
God is risen from the grave!
He is risen indeed!
He breaks into the darkness with His light,
and He rules with justice and truth.
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
We hurt each other as we grasp for hope, comfort, or meaning.
Forgive us, Lord, and break these cycles!
We are wounded and wrestle with pain and injury.
Restore us, Spirit, and teach us peace while we wait!
The resurrection shows us we can trust Your vision for hope,
even when we cannot see the way forward.
Guide us, and show us the path.
No one who comes to the Lord for hope
will be turned away or slighted.
He welcomes you with every doubt and question,
and He does not rush you to understand.
His love meets us in our mess and does not leave.
He isn’t looking for people who have it all together,
but He’s showing you His intervention for us all—
His life, His suffering, His death and raising to life again—
All of these things to help us overcome and give us a partnership with Christ.
He is building communities of His love and His life!