
Call to Worship

New mercies have come with the sunrise!

The Lord is God over this day,

and he loves his people!

We praise you, God, with thanksgiving!

Take heart! The Lord will return,

and kindness and justice will come fully with him.

We praise you, Lord, while we wait.

Sing out to the Lord who hears!

His reach is long, and he loves to hear us!

We rejoice, our God, in your love!

Confession and Lament

Grief for our sin, for the sin of others,

and for every event out of our control

Can surprise us and seem bigger than you, Lord.

Give us eyes to see your love and might.

We can doubt your power or your love,

And we can grow weary of struggle.

We can’t always see you walking with us.

Give us eyes to see your love and might.

Assurance of Gospel Peace

God has removed the burden of our guilt and our shame!

He invites us to lay down our burdens and our bitterness.

He exchanges our heavy burdens for his light one!

He walks closely with us, not afraid of our daily struggles.

Doubt, pain, or mess do not drive him away.

He renews our hearts and strengthens us!

He entered our mess and met it with the cross,

And in resurrection power met our deepest need.

Now we are renewed and transformed in his love!

Justin Karl