Call to Worship
Come, let us worship our God, who created us!
In him and for him all things were created!
He is over all things; and everything was made for him.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together!
Lord, we praise You for all that You do and all that You are.
Confession and Lament
Lord, we confess that there are times when we don’t trust that you will take care of us.
We try to control and manipulate all kinds of things: our time, our money, even our relationships.
Help us remember that you hold all things together by the power of Your hand.
We try and use our skills to achieve recognition and gain security, instead of serving others.
Help us remember that gifts and talents are for our good and Your glory.
When we are tempted to forget your blessings and to take control in every way,
Lord, humble us and help us seek after you.
Assurance of Gospel Peace
Stop and think of all that Jesus accomplished on the cross.
In Him, enemies can become friends; sinners can become children of God.
For those who believe in His name, we have victory over sin and death!
And this victory is one that we can walk in now by the power of the word and Spirit.
Now, we are co-heirs in the kingdom of God—a kingdom that cannot be shaken!